From Surabaya: Explore Mt. Bromo, Madakaripura, and Kawah Ijen (3D/2N)

Madakaripura Waterfall, Probolinggo, East Java
Visiting Mt. Bromo & Kawah Ijen from Surabaya is the classic route to explore East Java, add Madakaripura Waterfall on your bucket list will be completing your East Java Adventure. This is tour package is really suitable for you who has only short days to explore East Java. The itinerary also doable in reverse way started from Banyuwangi, end up at Probolinggo/Surabaya/Malang.

Day 1 : Surabaya - Madakaripura - Cemara Lawang

Arriving from Surabaya either by train or flight, our driver will pick you up at around 07.00 AM to drive directly to Probolinggo. This is the ideal time arrival in Surabaya, contact us to consult about your arrival time so that we can organize the best visit for your holiday. Arriving at Madakaripura Waterfall area after 3 hours car drive, we need to change to take local transportation because car could only drive until parking area. Walk trough the river about 30 minutes to get to the main location of the waterfall. 

On the way to go to the waterfall is easy to get wet, prepare waterproof bag for your electronic stuffs such GoPro, smartphone and camera to prevent them from getting wet. Bring additional changing clothes or wear a rain coat. The best time to get to Madakaripura is at dry season between March-September to have a better view of the clean water. While going to the waterfall on rainy season mostly the water easily getting muddy.

Finish to exploring Madakaripura, we drive to Cemara Lawang to check in to our hotel to store your bags. Walk around Cemara Indah Hotel area to enjoy sunset with Mount Bromo background. Having dinner and have a night sleep before morning sunrise tour the next day.

Day 2 : Sunrise Penanjakan - King Kong Hill - Bromo Crater - Banyuwangi

The second day of the trip, we will be starting at 3:00 am from your stay in Mount Bromo area then we will ride a jeep for 45 minutes to King Kong Hill where we can see the best sunrise in this area.

Upon your arrival in King Kong hill, you will be having about an hour to wait until you see the sunrise, you can have  a hot coffee or tea at the shops nearby. There are new shops that just built for visitors to hide from the low temperature. If you are into photography, we recommend to set your best place to capture the best moment here before other visitors will take your place where you are standing to wait for the sunrise.

Bromo view from King Kong Hill View Point

About 5:30 am, the sun will rise from east side and you can see how picturesque landscape in this place. Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, Mount Semeru, and Cemoro Lawang village to be in one frame. We will be having time till 7 am before we go back to our jeep and drive down to the trekking spot to the top of Mount Bromo.

The trekking to the top of Mount Bromo, you will be needing about 45 minutes on foot and 15 minutes by horse. Before you reach the top of Mount Bromo, you have to climb the 250 stairs that will lead you to the top of Mount Bromo itself. It’s quite hard but worth it to try. Upon your arrival in Mount Bromo, you will see the hole of this volcano and it spews the smoke every day without any stop. We are not allowed to stay here too long because there is dangerous gas that can be coming out from this volcano.

Walk trough the sand hill to get to Bromo Crater
If don't want to have more adventure horse riding to get to Bromo Crater is worth to try, horse riding fee is about IDR. 250.000 Per Way. It is not included in the tour price, you have to pay on your own. The price is not fix cost, it is still can be negotiated. Is Horse Riding safe..? You will be accompanied by the instructor as long as you follow the instruction he already gave you will be fine.

Finish hiking Bromo Crater, we will drive back to the hotel to take a shower and breakfast. Pack your bags we will drive to Banyuwangi, our last destination to visit the most acid lake in the world of Kawah Ijen.

Day 3 - Kawah Ijen Blue Fire- Sunrise-Sulfur Mining-Drop Ketapang

Started from the hotel at 01.00 am, drive to Paltuding base for 1 hour. Directly hike up to the top of the volcano, the track is quite steep all the way up. Good physical stamina really needed to do Kawah Ijen as it will be harder than Mount Bromo trekking. Arriving right at the top of the crater, we directly walk down to the bottom of the crater to see the blue fire and sulfur mining activities.

Kawah Ijen Blue Fire which only visible during the night
Enough time to see the fire, we walk up to the crater top to see the sunrise and the green lake. Taking photos from the Dried Wood View Point or Kayu Mati. Meet the sulfur miners who carry the sulfur bamboo basket on their shoulders. Learn how their life story for being sulfur miner. It is time to get back to the parking area, we are driving back to the hotel but we would stopover in Kalibendo Rubber Plantation for a while.

Did You Know..? Mixing sulfur and rubber latex with the addition of another chemical can make tire for the vehicles.

Arriving at the hotel, our driver will be waiting for you to have shower and breakfast then he will drop you off at Ketapang Ferry Port. See you next time...!

This tour could be customized to do in the reverse way with a start from Banyuwangi and dropped off Malang. The other option you could also started from Surabaya or Malang.

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