From Yogyakarta: Train To Malang, Private Drive To Tumpaksewu, Bromo, Ijen (3D/2N)

Tumpaksewu Waterfall, Lumajang, East Java

Are you struggling to find a way how to travel to East Java? Not sure which cities to started with and where should must visited places. Here we share one of our best package to explore East Java in 3 days started from Yogyakarta,Central Java.

Yogyakarta to Malang By Night Train

Yogyakarta is becoming the most visited destination, train routes are really well connected. There are many options making train travel could be the best options. To start your East Java Adventure, you need to take a night train to Malang. Trains available at 21.00, 00.15, and 01.30 which are arrive Malang at around 06.00 in the morning. Price varied from IDR 200.000-550.000 depending on the train class you choose, for more information about train price, schedule, and reservation you can check this great online ticket website Cheap Train Ticket Yogyakarta to Malang (Click Here), contact us here if you need help for booking your train ticket...!! If you are already in Malang, we can just directly picking you up from your hotel in the morning at 7 AM.

Day 1 - Malang To Tumpaksewu-Cemara Lawang

Our driver will pick you up from Malang Train Station to drive directly to Tumpaksewu area for about 2 hours drive, stop for breakfast on the way drive to Tumpaksewu. Arriving at the parking area, only about 200 meters walk we will see the waterfall from panoramic view point which is very stunning. This could be the best waterfall in Java, or maybe the best in Indonesia.

Tumpaksewu waterfall from Panoramic View Point
The view point is not the only place to take photos, for getting the best view we have to go down to the bottom of the waterfall. Required to walk down for about 45-60 minutes and be warned that this is quite tough and slippery trekking down. Going down trough bamboo stairs, riverside trekking, and down to the cliff only with a help of a rope on the side way made this waterfall so challenging.

Enjoying Tumpaksewu Waterfall is something special, feel like want to stay here for a long time but we need to go to the next spot called Goa Tetes (Tetes Cave) which located nearby the waterfall. This cave is also amazing with the water dropping fall down the cave wall.

Travel Notes
  • This waterfall is not suit for kids due to the hard trekking off the beaten track, kids only stay at the panoramic view point.
  • Bring a waterproof bag, this is the most important thing that you must have because you will be passing a stream of water on your way to the bottom of this waterfall. It also keeps your phone, camera, or important stuff dry.
  • Suitable footwear, it’s a super important thing that you must think about before your visit. Most of the path is slippery and rocky.
  • Bring enough food and water, this is a more 3 hours trip to this waterfall includes trekking, taking photos, resting, and enjoying the area.

Drive to Cemara Lawang Bromo Area
After tiring adventure of Tumpaksewu Waterfall, we will continue driving to Cemara Lawang as the closest base of Mount Bromo. Driving normally take 3 hours, arriving at Cemara Lawang we directly check in to the accommodation. As our default on the package, you will stay in Parama Hotel & Cafe standard room for couple traveler and family room for group of 4 persons or more.There is no activity for the evening, takea dinner and go to bed early as tomorrow another morning call ring again.

Day 2 - Sunrise Penanjakan - Bromo Crater - Drive to Banyuwangi

A morning call for the next jeep adventure to see the most beautiful sunrise in Java. Wake up at 03.00 AM and to be ready for the jeep ride to Penanjakan View Point. Most of tourists will go at the same place, it would be crowded moreover in high season and public holiday. So that make sure you get a good spot for taking photos.

Bromo Sunrise Viewed From Penanjakan View Point
After the sunrise, we walk down below to stopover at King Kong Hill to take some photos of  Mount Bromo from different angles. Continue to Bromo Crater by jeep, walk up the sandy hill. Right at the top of the volcano, you would see the big smoky hole where most Tenggerese (Original Tribe of Mt. Bromo) threw offering to the mountain of god on Yadnya Kasada Ceremony. Horse riding could be an option to explore to go ahead to the crater..

Back to the hotel for shower and breakfast, prepare to drive to Banyuwangi for about 6 hours. On the way drive we could stop over in Pasir Putih Beach to have a lunch with a beach view. Arriving at Banyuwangi in the evening, checking in to the accommodation to have a rest before another morning call to hike Kawah Ijen

Also Read : Things To Do While In Mount Bromo

Jeep Riding To Explore Mount Bromo

Day 3 - Kawah Ijen Blue Fire- Sunrise-Sulfur Mining-Drop Ketapang

Started from the hotel at 01.00 am, drive to Paltuding base for 1 hour. Directly hike up to the top of the volcano, the track is quite steep all the way up. Good physical stamina really needed to do Kawah Ijen as it will be harder than Mount Bromo trekking. Arriving right at the top of the crater, we directly walk down to the bottom of the crater to see the blue fire and sulfur mining activities.

Kawah Ijen Blue Fire which only visible during the night
Enough time to see the fire, we walk up to the crater top to see the sunrise and the green lake. Taking photos from the Dried Wood View Point or Kayu Mati. Meet the sulfur miners who carry the sulfur bamboo basket on their shoulders. Learn how their life story for being sulfur miner. It is time to get back to the parking area, we are driving back to the hotel but we would stopover in Kalibendo Rubber Plantation for a while.

Did You Know..? Mixing sulfur and rubber latex with the addition of another chemical can make tire for the vehicles.

Arriving at the hotel, our driver will be waiting for you to have shower and breakfast then he will drop you off at Ketapang Ferry Port. See you next time...!

This tour could be customized to do in the reverse way with a start from Banyuwangi and dropped off Malang. The other option you could also started from Surabaya or Malang.

Also Read : What Things To See Around Kawah Ijen

Contact us to get further information about price, availability, and reservation. For last minute booking, guest could reach us by WhatsApp for faster response.

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